Brooklyn is a fourteen-year-old artist and influencer. She asks about the advice Gary can give to his 14-year-old self based on everything he knows now.
Playlist - Grateful + Optimism = GO
Tara is an author, influencer, and entrepreneur. She has to pivot her marketing approach because of the COVID-19 outbreak, which makes her unable to sing and speak live...
Jackie owns an agency in Texas. Because of the pandemic, all of her local clients are getting antsy. So what Jackie wants to do is to tell them not to give up during...
Joe started a barbershop business way back in 2009. Through the years, the company was able to grow and develop a brand of eight shops. He is asking Gary for ways on how...
Mickey is from Ogden, Utah. He dropped out of college and joined a real estate sales team to start selling houses. One day, his boss approached him and wanted him to run...
Margaret is a 49-year-old mother of two boys. She runs a global marketing strategy agency. Her question is about her being a parent and on how to generate intrinsic...
At fourteen years old, Jon has been building six businesses focusing on eCommerce, affiliate marketing, graphic design freelancing, and writing eBooks. Since he has a...
Ashley is working in a restaurant from New York but was tapped out of that role since COVID-19 happened. She wants to know Gary’s advice for people who don’t have a...
Craig is an entrepreneur located in Houston. He retired from playing basketball last 2018. He recalled his story and the sacrifices he made to achieve playing at a pro...