04.07.20 | Timestamp @2:16 | Grateful + Optimism = GO





Dytto’s Question or Topic

Dytto has been on social platforms for a while now. She’s been working on videos and building such a beautiful community. But every time she switches something up, people would comment that they missed the old her. So Dytto loves to know if she is doing something wrong, or if she is missing an element that could make her community grow together better.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Gary also went through the same thing way back 2009. For three years, five days a week he used to create wine videos. But when he started making business videos because that’s what he really likes, people lost their mind because they didn’t like it.

Dytto shouldn’t get caught up in the comments, likes, or views. She has to evolve, and they have to follow her, and she has that conviction. Her self-esteem and self-worth can’t be how many followers or engagement she has on Instagram.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“You can’t get caught up in the comments, likes, or views. You have to evolve, and they have to follow you, and you have that conviction.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“You can’t be the same girl you were three years ago.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Your self-esteem and self-worth can’t be how many followers or engagement you have on Instagram.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“When you like your own content, that sh*t comes back so often especially if you talent.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“I’d rather you live in a little less fancy apartment, buy one less nice thing, go on one less trip than f*cking be unhappy.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“We have to make happiness the f*cking Northstar, not f*cking money or clout.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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