04.06.20 | Timestamp @1:16:14 | 2 Hours of Advice For Everyone in Hard Times


Shawn Serrell



Shawn’s Question or Topic

Shawn created a Twitter account way back in 2013 where he posts rhymes and was able to build his social numbers up pretty good. Recently, he bought a laser engraver and has been giving out laser wood engraved art to his followers for free. Now, Shawn wants to know when he should be asking for money for those masterpieces.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Now is the best answer since he has been giving out his work at no cost for a long time already. He has been jabbing a lot by giving free products so now is the time to put a hook on it.

Gary found it funny when he wrote the Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook because he thought that he was writing it for people that were spamming and selling the whole time. He wanted to teach them the jabbing, the romancing, or the bringing value. But what ended up happening is that the feedback he received was from a lot of people that are sweet and awesome like Shawn, who was struggling with the ask.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“Do not fear the rejection of somebody saying no.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Do not fear that you’re being a bad person for asking. You’re asking. You’re not demanding. You’re not manipulating. You’re not tricking.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“When you sell, you have to believe in what you sell. And you have to be in control of disappointment.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“You’re in control of if there’s a problem. That should eliminate all of your fears when you remember that you’re just asking.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Don’t be disappointed if nobody buys, because you can’t have expectations of customers. We have to deliver for them. They don’t have to deliver for us.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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