04.06.20 | Timestamp @4:37 | 2 Hours of Advice For Everyone in Hard Times


Alex Moe



Alex’s Question or Topic

Alex Moe is a barista. His question for Gary is about the message that is revolving around social media saying that we don’t need to be productive during this time, especially that a lot of people are uncertain, scared, or depressed. He asks if the statement is okay for Gary, and if not, how he would rephrase it.

Gary’s Story and Advices

What people are trying to do there is not putting people in a position of anxiety. So Gary thinks that the better word would be anxious, versus productive. Productive is such a positive word. What it’s really like is “Look, take a breath. Don’t push yourself to anxiety. Don’t burn yourself out during this time.”. 

Gary thinks it’s dangerous to put people in a status of being helpless, as it leads to entitlement and lack of accountability, which often leads to great unhappiness.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“Productive is such a positive word.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“A lot of people get happiness from being productive in their work.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Look, take a breath. Don’t push yourself to anxiety. Don’t burn yourself out during this time.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“It’s important to be productive and happy and satisfied.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Balance is the key.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“I don’t think we should demonize hard work in the same way that we shouldn’t demonize meditation and passiveness.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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