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Lyle Foxman
Lyle’s Question or Topic
Lyle went back to teaching in public school last fall. Because of the pandemic, the school system changed from classroom to online, which allows teachers to be creative. So Lyle asks Gary for some tips on how teachers take leadership, ownership, and how to change the public education system.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Teachers cannot change the system. They can only be individually great teachers and play within it. They need to teach outside the system. Right now, they need to be pumping into the video classrooms the stuff they want to teach, not what they’re forced to by the curriculum. They should teach kids real sh*t, not something that they only need to memorize and regurgitate.
The biggest problem that people understand is that system change is super macro. It is on a state and national level. Plus, there’s an enormous percentage of people within the instructors’ unions who don’t want it to change.
For Gary, education should be individual, we should be reverse engineering every child so that we really can figure out what they really want. But parents should be the ones responsible for this.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“I don’t play within the f*cking framework. I play outside the f*cking framework.”~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“I think education should be individual.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“People hate to be accountable. People love to judge others for what they suck at.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“People don’t like to look at the f*cking mirror. Once they learn to look at the mirror, they get happy.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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