03.26.20 | Timestamp @1:52:09 | How Do You Find Your True Passion?





Eddy’s Question or Topic

Eddy is working as a frontliner during this pandemic. He is currently in a clinical field and wants to transition into private consulting for startup clinics. Eddy asked Gary for the best way to execute it.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Gary thanked Eddy for his courage and heroism to fight the pandemic. And instead of giving a general answer, Gary asked Eddy to send him an email to gary@vaynermedia.com and once the pandemic is over, Gary and his team will discuss the topic with Eddy via phone call and build an infrastructure for him to make the transition through content which will then lead opportunity. 

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“Thank you so much for what you’re doing – your bravery, heroism. Thank you for being in the frontlines.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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