04.05.20 | Timestamp @42:38 | Going Live and Answering Questions
Blake Williams
Blake Williams (Facebook)
Blake’s Question or Topic
Blake started a home inspection company in 2013 and they’ve grown to 39 employees. But recently, the business algorithm was broken due to the COVID-19 outbreak. So his company pivoted and changed into a decontamination service and was able to generate extra revenue. And now, Blake is finding out how to grab a market share.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Blake should start a small business or real estate Facebook group immediately. He should post on all social networks, whether personal or business, that he’s hosting Zoom and Google Hangout sessions every night. Become the mayor of the town virtually. In that way, he will be able to build awareness for his business.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“Become the Pied Piper.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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