04.05.20 | Timestamp @10:30 | Going Live and Answering Questions


Joey Masloski


@joeymasloski (TikTok)

Joey’s Question or Topic

Joey started on with TikTok during the winter break and ground with it for a month until he gained lots of followers. Recently he found out that his engagement went on a plateau. So Joey wants to know the reason behind, and what to do about it.

Gary’s Story and Advices

TikTok market saturates this time around. That’s why Gary has been yelling at people to hustle on TikTok 18 months ago.

On Joey’s TikTok contents:

Joey has to maintain what he did on the platform and then get creative by exploring other niches.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“Tiktok itself is just exploding.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Mindset plus execution. Clouds and dirt. If you don’t execute on your ideas, they’re f*ckin dog sh*t.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“People hide behind their ideas because they don’t want to f*ckin’ execute because they’re scared to put themselves out there because they’re fear-based ’cause they’re worried about other people’s judgments. And people don’t live their lives based on other people’s opinions.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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