04.05.20 | Timestamp @1:38 | Going Live and Answering Questions
Leslie Hungria
Leslie’s Question or Topic
Leslie is learning how to direct music videos. And recently, she is airing podcasts called A Visionary’s Tale about the same topic. Her question is about how to stay in your lane when you want to try different things but doesn’t have enough knowledge about it.
Gary’s Story and Advices
It is the process of owning or taking responsibility. Documenting the journey to becoming an expert is potentially more fascinating.
Leslie should interview people that have made videos and DM 4000 people right now with different careers—celebrities, influencers, rappers—because everybody’s responding to more DM’s nowadays.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“People think being an expert is the only way to go. But I think documenting the journey to becoming one is potentially more fascinating.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“People always have excuses.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“You can’t get a yes if you don’t ask.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“It’s always depth over width.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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