03.23.20 | Timestamp @39:24 | How to Use Social Media to Turn Dreams Into Reality


Marita De La Pena


Deadly Tarantula Girl (Youtube)

Marita’s Question or Topic

Marita and her husband have been in the exotic animal hobby since the ’90s and have been breeding and selling exotic animals. They started their Youtube channel seven years ago and it has been slowly growing through the years. At present, their channel has about 50k subscribers due to a viral video, but they think that their growth has come to a halt. So Marita needs a piece of advice from Gary on where they should go from there.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Gary said that it’s all about putting things to perspective. The growth of their channel did not come to a skidding halt. What stopped is the growth of their viral video. But if they look at it at the macro level, they had more growth in the last year due to that video than they did during their first six years combined.

When Gary asked Marita about her hopes and dreams for their channel, she shared that it’s to grow to their business in order to bring in revenue and also to educate their audience about the animals they’re selling. So Gary suggested that she and husband should spend 20-45 minutes every day learning how to create effective titles and thumbnails on Youtube. They should also explore Facebook ads as it works extremely well. They should run incredible photos of tarantulas and reptiles and target their main audience who are males aging 25-42.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“It’s putting into perspective.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“I’m less worried about how many subscribers one has. I’m more worried about what one wants out of it.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Facebook ads have a sneaky potential. Facebook ads work extremely well.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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