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Krystal Douglas
Krystal’s Question or Topic
Krystal owns a sewing company that caters to the entertainment industry in Nashville that has been growing for the last four and a half years. But things started to regress when the pandemic happened and a tornado also hit the area where her business is located. After this happened and all of her contracts got canceled, she followed all of Gary’s advice and built a personal website instead and documented everything she’s going through and learning and her website blew up. Her question for Gary is how she can build a profitable business when she doesn’t care about the money.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Krystal should not build as profitable a business as she could but still make it profitable enough that it sustains just like what Gary is doing with his businesses. She still has to make profits or she’ll go out of business.
If Krystal wants to be charitable, she can use the profit she earns doing her business. Gary struggled with the same scenario when he did his charitable work within his company. He did not lay off people that he thinks are deserving of firing. But he realized that if he goes out of business, it won’t do any good for anybody.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“One of the things that confuse people about me so much, especially my assistants, and people that are close to me is I’m doing all these things, and I don’t bring them up at all.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
Anytime somebody tells you you’re paying too much, you tell them, look dead in the face and just say; That’s very sweet. You worry about your f*cking business.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“Having anybody tell you anything about your business is similar to anybody telling you how to raise your kids.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“When people do what I’m saying, which by the way is a f*cking free advice, and they do it for a sustained period, most times they don’t fail.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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