04.27.20 | Timestamp @37:34 | 10 Tactics to Improve Your Situation in Quarantine
Joshua’s Question or Topic
Joshua has a Discord server and he mentors people on how to trade in the stock market. Joshua had been listening to one of Gary’s podcasts lately, called How to not Give a F*ck What People Think. On that podcast, Gary talked about developing self-awareness. Today, he is asking about the same topic.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Self-awareness is a tricky word because if you have that character, it leads to a lot of good.
The best thing one can do when they’re worried about self-awareness is spending a couple of weeks to a month taking the four to seven people that they spend the most time with, whether they’re close friends, co-workers. And tell them:
“Listen, I’m genuinely worried about my self-awareness. And I want to give you a full month of this. I’ll ask you every day. But in a month, I want to sit down, and I want you to tell me what you think I’m good at, and what I’m bad at. And I’m telling you, don’t be mean. But say the truth and I won’t be upset because you are doing me a huge favor.”
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“The people that struggle with the most self-awareness are delusional about success.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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