04.02.20 | Timestamp @48:27 | 14 Ways to Adjust Your Life to the Coronavirus


Cody Lawhorn



Cody’s Question or Topic

Cody is a filmmaker from Anchorage, Alaska. Movies are his life. He loves every aspect of creating movies and he was able to pay his debts because of it. One day, he and his best friend who is into animationdecided to pivot by working on kids’ animations. He’s with Gary now to ask how to leverage his TikTok and LinkedIn posts so that they can have more leverage when approaching other bigger streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Disney, Nickelodeon, etc.

Gary’s Story and Advices

For Gary, leverage comes through character ideation and creation, then building it through the development and getting people to be aware. So just like his advice to his other guests, Katherine and Tom, Gary told Cody that he and his buddy should create social media accounts, such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter for the actual characters in their animation. Since Cody said that they are already doing this, Gary asked him to send him an email to  gary@vaynermedia.com to see how he can help them more.

Gary also wants Cody to search and read articles and autobiographies about Vera WangColonel Sanders, and Sidney Frank. Cody also needs to realize that he is early in the game. With his passion for creating movies and film and if he lives in humility for another few years, then he would be fulfilled.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“Leverage comes through character ideation and creation, then building it through development and getting people give a f*ck.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Seven years on top of four years is nothing.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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