04.01.20 | Timestamp @1:50:49 | 10 People, 10 Problems, 1 Exceptionally Good Listener
Cody Freeberg
Cody’s Question or Topic
Cody is from Cedar Rapids, Iowa studying information technology – computer support specialist. Influenced by Gary’s words about focusing to introduce your stuff on the area where you live, he wants to get himself out there on social media, but he feels that his social media posts don’t consist of creating content. So Cody seeks help on how to use social media properly and to incorporate his skill in creating videos to be made available to the people around his town.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Cody needs to put out on his account videos that showcase his talent. Then, he should DM all the businesses that have an Instagram account in his area, not to offer his services, but to give them pointers as to how they can improve their dealings in social media. If Cody hopes to be hired by such businessmen, he should do a free five-minute social media audit so that he will be able to give reasonable yet basic pointers that he ought to give them. By messaging the businesses about what he found in his audit, plus adding in content to his account, Gary guarantees 3 of them will become Cody’s clients.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“If you DM 50 people in a week, 100 people in a week, I guarantee three of them will become clients of yours.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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