04.13.20 | Timestamp @41:22 | 12 Tips You Will Be Glad You Started Before 2020 is Over





Mitch’s Question or Topic

Mitch is from North Carolina. He went to school for graphic design. Now he is working for a payroll company. When the company discovered his talents, they decided to put him on marketing. With the COVID-19 going on, he is figuring out how to market the sports industry.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Mitch has to focus more on posting branded content to build awareness of the company because converting on sales-driven content is not going to be there for sports companies.

LinkedIn is an essential program for a company with b2b dynamics. So Mitch should keep that in mind. Since Mitch is still in the learning process, he should spend $50 on Instagram and Facebook Ads, because finding it out as a creative is very powerful. It will be a great addition to his career.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“All the art kids need to do a little bit of math sh*t, and math kids need to do a little bit of art sh*t to compete in the world we’re living in.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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