04.13.20 | Timestamp @45:28 | 12 Tips You Will Be Glad You Started Before 2020 is Over


Cedric Johnson



Cedric’s Question or Topic

Cedric is a Youtube creator for six years, specializing in music. He has 50 thousand followers up to date. He is trying to concentrate on raising content, but he finds it hard to monetize it. In the past, Cedric worked out on Patreon and produced merchandise, but it did not do well. Now he is looking for some more options.

Gary’s Story and Advices

It is possible to hire a manager, or a business partner, who could help Cedric arrive in a place where somebody with more business strengths may give him more value.  It can also be a great idea to find something you like that makes money as a part of your content.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“How you get your followers is more important than how many followers you get.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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