04.13.20 | Timestamp @37:18 | 12 Tips You Will Be Glad You Started Before 2020 is Over
Susan Serena
Susan’s Question or Topic
Susan has a virtual office receptionist service which provides a variety of resources to small to midsize business owners. Their service is affected because of the pandemic that is also concerning their clients.
She feels now is the time to reposition and restructure many companies, and that their office needs to present the service to them. So Susan is thinking of the best strategy to offer.
Gary’s Story and Advices
LinkedIn content will play a huge factor in her promotion. What she needs to do is to interview people who did business with her. But Susan has to be careful since the focus is to educate, and not convince.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“You need to be the news, not an infomercial.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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