04.21.20 | Timestamp @41:29 | Answering Any and Every Question While Stuck Inside


Dr. Linda Marquez



Linda’s Question or Topic

Dr. Linda owns a company, and she thinks that the pandemic is a perfect time for her business to thrive, but wonders why it’s not working.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Focus on providing value first, then take the time to ask. Gary suggests reading his book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Gary also wants to make sure that she is confident about what she is selling. Or if she is not sure, find a person who can become her salesperson.

On social media promotion:

Send an email today, and say “I’d like you all to follow me on Instagram. I’m going to start doing a lot on my Instagram lives”. It’s also better if you add content, posting your google phone number to have a 15-minute consultation.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“Me getting better with my health is probably the most significant accomplishment I’ve ever done because it’s the one I’ve done that desperately did not come naturally to me.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Selling is what I do. Believing in what you’re selling and doing it in a subtle way where you merely ask, not trick them with a funnel. Don’t manipulate, sell.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Selling is great when you believe in it.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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