05.11.20 | Timestamp @01:30 | 5 Essential Startegies to Build Brand From Home
Adaleta Avdic
Adaleta’s Question or Topic
Adaleta saw an opportunity on TikTok and joined the platform. She is looking for advice on the number, frequency, and the niche of the content to post.
Gary’s Story and Advices
There doesn’t seem to be a disadvantage of posting as often as possible. Ideally, you can put up to three or four pieces of content. But some people post as much as ten times a day and reap the benefits.
As far as what to put out, the right strategy is putting out what you want to talk about versus what you think is working.
On social media lifespan:
Social media platforms are like TV shows. They are hot within 24 months such as Vine, while others can go for a 20-year run, like Facebook.
Whatever audience you can build on TikTok, you create awareness on that particular platform. And when another social media comes out, a certain percentage of your TikTok audience comes along.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“For some reason on social networks, people are so audacious about wasting their time, without realizing what they should be doing is marketing on the platform, and extracting brand value.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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