At fifteen, Chris bought his mixer and spent all his money working on his investment. He locked himself in a room for six months and dedicated his time to mastery by...
Playlist - How Coronavirus Will Make You More Accountable
Jeremy published a book back by mid-January and went live for sale on Amazon. Inside the book is his story as a bullied kid and how it affected him later in life. It...
Makenzie is looking forward to launching a Mexican-inspired meal prep business. It focuses on audiences who have trouble losing weight. However, she found it hard to...
Rhi and her mom lived in her car last year and had been homeless at other points in her early life. She hates moments when her period comes and does not have a change of...
At 27 years old, Pat is a freelancer and has been using his skills as a videographer for nine years to build his company. He also launched a channel on Youtube and...