04.30.20 | Timestamp @37:40 | How Coronavirus Will Make You More Accountable


Mariah (Rhi)



Rhi’s Question or Topic

Rhi and her mom lived in her car last year and had been homeless at other points in her early life. She hates moments when her period comes and does not have a change of clothes, nor even a shower because it’s embarrassing and humiliating. She even suffered from depression when she was 16 years old. And there were times that she wanted to harm herself.

Today, Rhi undergoes a stimulus check and plans to go out to the community and help the female homeless population with items for their menstrual cycles.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Rhi needs to secure the stimulus check first before doing anything that puts her in a vulnerable spot, such as going back to living in a car.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“People always don’t act themselves because they’re worried about some other force, college, a boss, a professional industry, accepting them. What they don’t realize is then that means they want to be accepted by an establishment, by being them fake selves.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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