05.05.20 | Timestamp @24:33 | How to Get a Head Start Before Quarantine Ends


Yulia (Sip of Europe)


@sipofeuropecart, @yuliasipofeurope (TikTok)

Yulia’s Question or Topic

Yulia is a Russian cafe owner in Europe. She wants to bring more awareness to her Russian dessert.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Yulia’s energy is on point. Since she knows what she is talking about, the best thing to do is to wrap her head around and keep on bringing Russian taste to the European market. Gary estimates that it will take seven years for her to achieve results.

On social media strategy:

Start working on TikTok. She can send Zefir (Yulia’s brand) to every single TikToker that exists. And create something called the Zefir dance. It will show people eating the brand while dancing on a song.

Also, continue producing ungodly amounts of content on her other platforms.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“You have to lean into your biggest superpower. And your biggest superpower is your personality.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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