03.27.20 | Timestamp @51:36 | How to Take Advantage of Your Time in Self-Isolation
Tanner Pontius
Tanner’s Question or Topic
Tanner grew up well off. His dad worked on a family farm, and later on, started a client service business that became successful. However, his dad passed away when he was 17, and starting from that moment, he went into a cocoon and only came out after college.
At present, Tanner is a freelance web designer and developer for about five years now. He believes that he is self-sabotaging himself by drastically undercharging his clients and he turns that negative situation into a positive by being self-reliant. So he sought help from Gary for ways on how to break it.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Gary thinks he is self-sabotaging himself, too in terms of limiting his financial upside because he is inappropriately in love with the story and the process.
Gary recalled his experience when he and his friend Harmon Skurnik went to Italy on a business trip way back 2001. During that time, Harmon’s dad passed away recently, and knowing how close Gary is with his dad, Harmon told Gary, “You don’t really become a man until your dad passes.”
Gary thinks that some people are just naturally scared to ask for more money and that’s what Tanner feels. The only way for Tanner to break is to literally just ask and charge more money every time. It’s that simple.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“You don’t really become a man until your dad passes.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
“Some people are just naturally scared to ask for more money and the way to actually break that is no different than kissing a girl, riding a bike, having sex for the first time, swimming. It’s literally just the action of asking.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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