03.30.20 | Timestamp @7:49 | 5 Practical Solutions to Problems Caused by COVID-19


Erica Rivera



Erica’s Question or Topic

Erica is an industrial designer. She draws engineering models for work, and at the same time, she loves doing other activities such as creating graphics and posters. Erica’s problem is how to put everything together. She’s being on hard on herself and thinks that she’s not good enough and that is hindering her to put her stuff out for the world to see.

Gary’s Story and Advices

For Gary, the reason why Erica is hard on herself is because she is insecure with other people’s feedback and he doesn’t want Erica to be. Her artwork is amazing that even Gary commissioned her to do some posters that he can hang in his office. What Erica should do is to not hear both the good and the bad feedback and just do what she loves to do.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“I don’t want you to be insecure.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“A lot of people have a ton of great parents who are loving and sweet, but they told them not to take risk.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“You have to take my very nice words right now and not hear them. And you have to take people that say you suck and not hear them. Once you can’t hear, is the day you start to live.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“You have to not hear the good comments, you have to not hear the bad comments. You have to live in a f*cking cocoon like I do.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“One of the reasons I don’t hear anybody is I’m too compassionate and empathetic.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Almost every single person that leaves a negative comment to another human being, whether virtually or in real life, is deeply hurting inside.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Let’s not even demonize these people that are trying to hurt us. Let’s be compassionate to them.”
~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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