03.25.20 | Timestamp @34:12 | How to Manage Negative People in Your Life


Darcie J.



Darcie’s Question or Topic

Darcie asked Gary on how to deal with a negative friend. That friend of hers has kids who still keep in contact with Darcie and look up to her as an aunt. However, this friend took the situation in a negative way and kept on posting posts on Facebook about her (but without mentioning her name). Darcie doesn’t want to feed into the negativity but it’s hard for her as she still wants to be a positive support for her friend and her kids.

Gary’s Story and Advices

Gary suggests that Darcie should reach out to her friend, invite her over for dinner, and have a serious conversation with her. Darcie should approach her friend with compassion and candor. This might spark something in her friend that can make her realize that she needs to go to therapy or she needs to change her attitude for the better.

When this effort fails, the next step Darcie should do is limit her interaction with her friend, the same way people are doing to the Coronavirus. A friend is not to be cut out, but rather put into quarantine until the circumstances get better.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“A friend is not to be cut out. A friend is to be quarantined.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Doing the right thing is always the right thing.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“People look at the negative.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


Compassion and candor.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Positive people tend to struggle with delivering negative points.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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