05.12.20 | Timestamp @9:24 | Use Your Time Right Now to Upgrade Your Mind For the Rest of Life


Adriana Otero



Adriana’s Question or Topic

Adriana is a real estate agent and recently opened her real estate office a year ago. She has social media accounts and is doing a decent job hosting content on most of them. She questions if it would be better for her by focusing on one platform weekly and devote less time to other social media. She also asks Gary how to improve her husband’s situation since her husband is having problems with self-discipline

Gary’s Story and Advices

If you direct yourself to one platform, you’d be more likely to get that channel to have more followers. And that’s what many people are trying to do. But what you are in for is business. By going everywhere, you are tasting different dynamics, which is teaching you how to be a better content creator. It is like a social media perception-action vs. a business action.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes


“People are absolutely obsessed with figuring out how many followers when what they should be thinking out is how to get happiness, and how to get the business result they’re looking for. And followers are an indication that you are hitting a nerve and people are interested, but that’s the byproduct, not the goal.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

On Adriana’s Husband for having little self-discipline:


“The results are always right.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“When you’re not winning, it is 100% your fault.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Complaining and excuses are f*cking poison, garbage, using DNA, suffocating.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk


“Anytime you say “Yeah, you’re right” to a complainer and a dweller, you’re f*cking feeding the beast.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

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