04.13.20 | Timestamp @26:15 | 12 Tips You Will Be Glad You Started Before 2020 is Over
Jonathan Torrey
Jonathan Torrey (LinkedIn)
Jonathan’s Question or Topic
Jonathan is from Burlington, Vermont. He is a product manager at a technology company. Throughout his career, he realizes that he always wanted to do more. So Jonathan started garage sales and made a breakthrough one after another. Today, he owns a podcast with 19 episodes, sharing his experiences. Jonathan wants to know more about how to build further audiences.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Jonathan is well on his way. Gary can see the conviction, high energy, and charisma in Jonathan’s words and deeds, especially that he applied many of Gary’s principles.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“Niches are awesome as springboards to the next thing.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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