04.29.20 | Timestamp @15:01 | 8 Business Strategies You Can Start in Quarantine
Jason and Pili Yarusi
Jason and Pili’s Question or Topic
Jason and Pili own a podcast show named The Jason and Pili Project with some great guests. Nowadays, they are transitioning from podcasting to live speaking by airing shows every day at noon, and that’s been going well across platforms. However, they are not getting active engagements during livestream and instead have a lot of private messages on their feed. They are wondering if they are providing the right value by getting feedback.
Gary’s Story and Advices
Gary thinks that what Jason and Pili mean is they are talking about the things that benefit them, which is fine. In other words, it is the word asking.
Gary genuinely believes it’s very difficult to be selfless unless you have a level of selfishness. So it is not that they want more responses to make sure Jason and Pili are doing the appropriate thing because they are achieving the goal. Therefore, they are in a position to ask to comment on a livestream on Facebook or subscribe to their channel on Youtube.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Quotes
“I genuinely believe that it’s very tough to be selfless unless you have that level of selfishness. You should have your wants and needs.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk
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